Posts tagged spiritual inspiration
May Akashic Magic: Comfort and Healing

May of 2024, the Akashic Records opened with some interesting images this month.

First, I heard the dinging of an oven in my mind and I had an image of freshly baked rolls coming out of the oven. And it was this really homey kitchen dinner was on the table. There was this feeling right about when you're going to sit down for a really good meal. And it was great outside.

So it felt very warm and very cozy. And the energy itself felt grounded. It felt comforting. There was a sense of consolation and healing and just coming into this beautiful grounded energy…

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April Akashic Magic: Look Up

The Records opened for the month of April with a sense of everybody gazing upwards. And this came through and multiple ways. 

First, I saw a big starry sky, and I saw someone standing and they were looking up. Then I saw an air show, and there were all these planes in the sky. And they were doing loops and tricks. And again, everybody in the audience had their gaze captured upwards.

And I saw the words “look up” and very much had a sense of upward motion, and stars and being drawn towards things that feel higher and more spiritual, intuitive and awe inspiring this month. 

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March Akashic Magic: What Is To Come

March of 2024, the Records opened with the sound of ice breaking.

And what I saw was an image of thick ice that had cracked, and there was a gap and there was water flowing below. The focus was on the water - not so much on the breaking - it was on what was underneath the surface. 

And the energy around all of this was very much on what has been going on underneath the surface, and seeing with more clarity, the transformation in some of the metamorphosis that has been taking place…

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Self-Care During the Holiday Season (a gentle perspective shift)

If there’s something about this season that doesn’t work for you, then gently think about how you could create your own forms of magic, reverence, and meaning this December.

How can you be a good friend to yourself and witness your journey? How might you create your own ritual or tradition around whatever holds meaning for you? How might you set a monthly intention that resonates with the visions you hold in your heart?

Small moments of meaning create a bigger composition of living in a way that feels authentic, real, and true to ourselves, and that is always meaningful...”

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November Akashic Magic: To See By Candlelight

All right, November of 2023, the Records opened with multiple images.

The first one is that I saw an individual who was holding an old-fashioned candle, kind of a candle and a candle stick, and they were walking through a dark room. And I saw the words ‘to see by candlelight’ which flashed in my mind when I saw that image. 

And then the next thing that I saw was an image of a diver down at the bottom of the ocean. And they were excavating - they were doing some kind of digging - and searching for something.

And I saw the words ‘buried treasure’…

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