Posts tagged metaphysical
March Akashic Magic: What Is To Come

March of 2024, the Records opened with the sound of ice breaking.

And what I saw was an image of thick ice that had cracked, and there was a gap and there was water flowing below. The focus was on the water - not so much on the breaking - it was on what was underneath the surface. 

And the energy around all of this was very much on what has been going on underneath the surface, and seeing with more clarity, the transformation in some of the metamorphosis that has been taking place…

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August Akashic Magic: Heightened Intuition

Prior to opening the Records, I had some really interesting images start coming through. Different than anything I've channeled for Akashic Magic before.

The first thing I saw was this very starry sky. Like if you were just gazing upward, and you were looking at the Milky Way.

This individual standing up and just staring at the stars and staring at this nebula and all these stars up in the sky…. and I saw the words ‘heightened intuition’, ‘intuitive awareness’, and ‘inner knowing’…

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March Akashic Magic: Point of View

As I opened the Records and felt the energy this month, it was this juxtaposition of movement.

And I saw being in a simulator ride, and the ride and the seats move you back and forth and up and down. And it's designed to make you feel like you're experiencing that. In reality, you're just in this little simulator.

And so there was this sense of movement and things happening around us. And yet at the same time focusing on the individual who is like “I'm just on a ride right now, I'm buckled into my seat, I am fine”…

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February Akashic Magic: Puzzle Pieces into Place

As I was opening the Akashic Records for February 2023, I saw all sorts of different patterns, like stripes and plaids and fabric that had patterns on it.

But all the patterns had a rhyme and a rhythm to it. Then I saw a puzzle being put together and pieces were being snapped into place. And with that, the words that were coming through were “puzzle pieces into place”.

Reordering, synthesizing, making sense of things, building blocks and that kind of language….

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January Akashic Magic: Ready to Go

As I was opening the Records, I immediately saw an image of a burst of butterflies flying free in the air, like they had been released all at once.

And there was this sense of momentum - and a sense of the Records themselves - as if they couldn't wait to tell us what is in store for us for January of 2023 and the overall energy of the year of 2023.

And that felt like it echoes the energy of the month, because I saw the word's 'hit the ground running' come up. And I'm seeing right now 'ready to be released, ready to go'…

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December Akashic Magic: On the Threshold

For December of 2022, The Records opened this month with quite a bit of imagery. The first image I saw was of a big winter storm blowing through.

Then I saw a scene where the storm had passed - the snowplows had come and the roads had been cleaned - now it's safe to come out of the shelters. I then saw kids sledding and everybody enjoying the sense of freshly fallen snow.

There was a sense that the emphasis of The Records was on that moment in between the winter storm where the snow has piled up and that anticipation of when you are about to switch and shift into that new scene and I saw the words 'new doorway' and 'on the threshold' come through for the month of December…

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September Akashic Magic: New Vantage Point

As the Records were opening, I had a sense of circular movement.

And I saw the words ‘full circle’ flash, and at first full circle felt a little bit like a roundabout, and then the image shifted slightly.

It felt more like a spiral - like coming back around to something again, and what it felt like was an upward spiral - almost as if you are moving up a huge parking garage going into spirals, or maybe a giant spiral staircase, and you're able to look down at something from a new vantage point…

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April Akashic Magic: The Quickening

As I was opening the records, I had multiple images coming up, and they were coming rather quickly. And that resonates with the energy this month because I felt a sense of quickening of the energy, it almost had a cheerful quality to it.

And it felt like things might be speeding up.

And the images that I saw were of a bird flying high in the sky. And then I saw a picture of ships coming in and out of a harbor, where there was a sense of busyness and a sense of things kind of bustling and humming along…

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