Posts tagged spiritual awakening
August Akashic Magic: Heightened Intuition

Prior to opening the Records, I had some really interesting images start coming through. Different than anything I've channeled for Akashic Magic before.

The first thing I saw was this very starry sky. Like if you were just gazing upward, and you were looking at the Milky Way.

This individual standing up and just staring at the stars and staring at this nebula and all these stars up in the sky…. and I saw the words ‘heightened intuition’, ‘intuitive awareness’, and ‘inner knowing’…

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July Akashic Magic: Revolutions

The first thing that I saw when I opened the Records for July of 2023, was a sense of revolving wheel.

And it was spinning really fast like a tire revolving, and I saw the word ‘revolutions’.  

I also had this sense of a calendar page turning, and I saw the card 10 in the tarot deck, the wheel of fortune, and I kept seeing multiple shapes and images of Zodiac wheels, calendar wheels and motion.

There was this sense of moving into a new cycle, and a turning of the wheel…

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May Akashic Magic: Earth Movement, Personal Power

This feels like a month of quite a bit of movement. And what I was seeing as the Records opened was a sense of the earth shifting below our feet.

And almost as if the earth shifted, or a cartoon-type tidal wave - I saw this as a cartoon - kind of picks us up, we're in the ocean, and it moves us somewhere, and I saw us being safely deposited to the shore.

There was a sense of being picked up and carried and deposited and finding ourselves on new ground. And the words that came through for the month of May (that followed those images) were “Earth movement”…

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April Akashic Magic: New Horizon

As I was opening the Records for the month of April of 2023 - there were several different images coming through.

First, I saw a calm, clear and glassy sea. And there were birds that were flying over the air. And the sense of the scene was that a storm had recently cleared.

And so, there was this sense of clearing and clean air and freshness. And that idea that you get when something has been chaotic, or frantic, and stills, and you have a moment to pause and look around and kind of assess what happened. And where are we now…

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March Akashic Magic: Point of View

As I opened the Records and felt the energy this month, it was this juxtaposition of movement.

And I saw being in a simulator ride, and the ride and the seats move you back and forth and up and down. And it's designed to make you feel like you're experiencing that. In reality, you're just in this little simulator.

And so there was this sense of movement and things happening around us. And yet at the same time focusing on the individual who is like “I'm just on a ride right now, I'm buckled into my seat, I am fine”…

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Navigating Spiritual Awakenings

A spiritual awakening could also be called a disruption of consciousness, or an awakening of consciousness. 

Imagine that you have a certain view in which you see the world, that has developed over time by what you’ve been taught, what you understand to be true, and what you have experienced for yourself.

In a sense, you might think of this as anchoring yourself to the things that feel true for you and certain. When we anchor to ourselves to things that feel certain for us - without even knowing that we're doing it - we have created a set point that helps center us.… 

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