Posts tagged mindfulness
Got Gratitude? (a few ideas for cultivating appreciation)

We often think of November as a month to focus on being grateful.

Many of us celebrate Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving and the beginning of the holiday season with the intention to gather together with gratitude in our hearts and appreciation for the abundance in our lives.

As we move into the holidays, we are presented with many opportunities to slow down, reflect, appreciate life’s gifts, and tap into the energy of gratitude in our lives.

It can be hard though—the gratitude thing. I often think that despite our best intentions, it’s easy to fall out of gratitude and into focusing on stress, all that feels wrong in the world, and whatever we feel is lacking in our lives…

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May 2021 Akashic Magic: Progress on The Path

The records opened with the words this month: “which road will you choose?”.

And I saw an image instantly that came with that; it was very playful! I saw a family that was in a minivan or a camper, and they were on a road trip, in the woods, going to a destination.

I heard - if a little kid was sitting in the back - “are we there yet? We’ve been going so long!”. So, there was a sense that some of us might be feeling that right now in our individual journeys…

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Staying Centered in Uncertain Times

Lately it feels like things are changing on a moment by moment basis. The pandemic has tossed life upside down, and we are all navigating into unknown terrain.

I’ve been so many shades and tones these past few weeks. One moment feeling positive and can-do, the next grappling with financial anxieties and long-term implications.

As a transformational teacher, I’ve struggled to find my voice and how best to show up and offer support. As an empath, I’ve struggled to maintain my energetic boundaries and separate out my feelings from the collectives. As a grief teacher, I’m realizing the magnitude of loss, and it’s triggered a complex web of grief tied in with losing my brother.

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